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楊佈新導演 Jonathan Yang


Lost Black Cats 35th Squadron​


Jonathan Yang had an established career producing pop music videos and advertisements before spending six years producing his debut documentary. He made a lot of music videos for famous Taiwanese singers in the twenty years. All his works reflect the changes of Taiwan’s pop culture industry. For his first documentary, his extensive research led to long-term relationships with the surviving pilot and turned to the depth of the story of the “Lost Black Cats 35thSquadron”.           




陳惟揚導演 Frank W. Chen


Late Life:

The Chien-Ming Wang Story

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Frank W. Chen is a Taiwanese-Canadian filmmaker, architectural designer, and musician living in New York City. “Late Life: The Chien-Ming Wang Story” is Chen’s first feature-length documentary, and also features three songs he composed. Chen’s also wrote and directed the short documentary ‘Torpid May: Own Way Back’ chronicling an Asian-American’s band journey to Asia, and was production designer for the Taiwanese romcom ‘Bad Girls’.


陳惟揚導演,加拿大籍台裔導演,羅德島設計學院(RISD)建築研究所、多倫多大學畢業,目前定居紐約,為美國WYC影視(WYC Motions)負責人。過去經歷跨足建築設計、電影美術與音樂製作,曾在著名建築事務所FXFOWLE, Bernard Tschumi Architects 與荷蘭鹿特丹的MVRDV 工作。設計作品曾於2009年波士頓建築協會(Boston Society of Architects)獲獎。首部導演作品《後勁:王建民》於洛杉磯亞太影展、溫哥華亞洲電影節獲獎,並獲第55屆金馬獎最佳紀錄片提名。



Li-Chou Yang

紅盒子 Father

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Yang Li-Chou is a veteran documentary filmmaker and tireless advocate of including documentary works in mainstream Taiwanese cinema. He graduated from the Tainan National University of the Arts and spent several years teaching before beginning his prolific career in filmmaking, directing films such as ‘I Love (080)’, ‘The Old West Gate’, ‘My Football Summer’, and ‘The Long Goodbye’. Yang’s documentaries combine deep research with top-level production and entertaining narratives, and have won numerous honors including the prestigious Golden Horse award.



陳志漢導演 Maso Chen


​The Silent Teacher

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Maso Chenbegan his career in community development. He believes that the visual medium is the most effective way to change the world and has now put his focus on creating film. “Silent Teacher” is his first full-length documentary and portrays the many lives touched by a woman’s decision to donate her body to medical research.


創業代表作:『尋情歷險記』,入圍十餘個國際影展。後與吳汰紝導演共同創作:『日落大夢』、『帶孩子上班去』等多部優質紀錄片。2013年發表記錄短片『My Father, My Mother』,為台灣第一位與半島電視台合作的導演。第一部記錄長片『那個靜默的陽光午後』,2013年獲CCDF4最佳國際潛力獎、ASD特別推薦獎,2014年新北市紀錄片獎第二名。導演期望能以紀錄片達成藝術家與社會對話的媒介,創作出對社會大眾有正面意義的影像作品。

林明謙導演 Mitch Lin


A Journey with Invisible Friends

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Mitch Lin majored in philosophy at National Taiwan University before studying screenwriting at the Drama Institute of Taipei National University of the Arts. He has taught in Department of Chinese Literature at Chinese Culture University, was Editor-in-Chief for the Chinese edition of Men’s Health magazine, and written multiple novels and screenplays including ‘Wall Clock, Lamb, and Father’, ‘The Killer Who Never Kills’ and ‘David Loman’ (as co-writer). “A Journey with Invisible Friends” is Lin’s first feature-length documentary.


林明謙導演,1970年生於高雄。台大哲學系,北藝大戲劇研究所畢業。曾任文化大學中文系兼任講師,《Men’s Health》雜誌國際中文版主編。曾出版小說《掛鐘,小羊與父親》。參與過電影《殺手歐陽盆栽》原著改編、《大尾鱸鰻》共同編劇等。《看不見的台灣》是第一部擔任導演的紀錄長片作品。

傅榆導演 Yue Fu


​Our Youth in Taiwan

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Yue Fu graduated from the Institute of Sound and Image Studies of Tainan National University of Arts in 2008 and is now devoted to documentary film production. Her works include “Dialogue between Blue and Green”, “A Perfect Crash”, and “Our Youth in Taiwan”, and explore young people’s ideals and attitudes towards Taiwan’s political and economic landscape. Yue has won multiple awards, including the prestigious Golden Horse award for Best Documentary for “Our Youth in Taiwan” on 2018. 



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