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Taiwan Film Festival 

Taiwan film is famous for its free-spirited approach and humanistic depth. The festival offers an authentic cinematic experience of Taiwanese films to an international audience, together with panels and workshops to build dialogue and mutual understanding across cultures.

Our Mission


The mission of the Taiwan Film Festival focuses on connection and dialogue. We aim to gradually build a North American network to screen Taiwanese movies, allow new audiences to discover these films, and promote exchange and cooperation between filmmakers from Taiwan and across the world. Likewise, we aim to create dialogue between films, filmmakers, critics, and the audience. Cinema provides a space that can transcend time, space, and culture, and we believe in the power of Taiwanese cinema to promote mutual understanding between the multiple communities of Taiwan, North America, and beyond.

​Who We Are

The festival was conceived and organized by a group of volunteers and Taiwan movie lovers in the Greater Boston Area. To facilitate our goals and achieve our mission, we started a nonprofit organization, The Taiwanese Film Festival of Boston. We hope to promote Taiwan culture through films and bring the stories of Taiwan to the world stage. We welcome other North American cities to co-facilitate future film festivals.






    2019年,為了更進一步推廣台灣電影,決定將過往不定期舉辦的單片放映活動,正式改稱為「波士頓台灣影展」,並邀請六部評論和口碑俱佳的最新台灣劇情紀錄片參與第一屆影展活動,放映地點則選在世界知名學府麻省理工學院。影展英文名稱訂為Taiwan Film Festival,以期未來能和更多北美其他城市聯合舉辦,共同推廣台灣電影。

Taiwan Film Festival宗旨   

  Taiwan Film Festival的宗旨,一是為台灣電影發展連結,是以非營利的模式逐步建立台灣電影的北美觀影網絡,拓展台灣電影國際觀眾,打造台灣電影和世界電影人暨國際觀眾的專業平台。二是創造對話。波士頓台灣影展希望藉由台灣電影的自由豐富,讓截然不同生命經驗的北美觀眾,共同經歷一場場奇思逸想的觀影冒險,展開生命的學習之旅。影展舉辦的各項座談,旨在創造影片,觀眾,評論家和電影創作者的多元對話空間,亦促進不同文化背景觀眾間的認識和了解。


  影展的策展和相關活動,為波士頓當地台灣留學生和僑民所共同組織和策畫,為了因應影展未來發展,影展方並成立了非營利組織Taiwan Film Festival of Boston來協助未來影展的長期發展和營運。本次影展並協同其他波士頓在地社團共襄盛舉,包括波士頓台灣同鄉會,紐英崙中華專業人員協會,新英格蘭大波士頓台灣商會,紐英崙客家鄉親會等,並希望未來能發展為常設性的組織和活動,定期在北美推廣台灣電影。

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